One month down, one to go. Can’t wait to see the change. It’s amazing how much change can occur in one month. Not only in body but in mind. Once again, for me, being a student is where I find myself changing the most. When I’m teaching its not about me it’s about my students, but when I’m the student it’s all about me. Definitely not a bad thing! A month ago I decided to go back to my roots and start body building again, so I joined a challenge that @leesa_pole_aerial_fitness is running. 2 months of macro eating ( first time for me!) Cardio (what’s that!? I avoid it like the plague ) and weight training ( haven’t done anything consistently in over 25 years!) I didn’t weigh myself ( because who gives a f)I didn’t measure myself ( because I get obsessive) All I did was take 4 pictures! Im excited to see my progress!
Hubby has noticed a difference within 2 weeks, I haven’t so much in how I look, but I sure have in how I feel! Im eating way more ( of the right foods) so I’m never hungry ( thank goodness, I hate ‘ dieting ‘) I also don’t have the inflammation I always do ………… could be from either all the greens I’m eating or the fact I’m taking more glutamine 🤷♂️ I forgot how much I love weights! Im feeling so much stronger! Im consistantly upping my weights ……. thank goodness hubby has up to 90 lb dumbbells, because I have goals!!!!I redesigning myself, I’ve got 2 years until I hit half a century, let’s see what kinda beast I can build! What are your goals?

Lauren Thornborrow
When I started on this program I didn’t expect to get the results I have so quickly. So far I’ve lost 14lbs in 4 weeks and that doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
It’s difficult to get all the food and exercise in to my day but when I see results like this it’s totally worth the hard work.
Lisa has been extremely supportive throughout the challenge and has put together a great program that has taught me things I can take forward into life once the 8 weeks is up. I haven’t been this happy with my body in years and I’m only halfway through the program. Super excited to see what the next 4 weeks has in store for me.

I lost 20 lbs total during this 8 week challenge which was a very exciting accomplishment! I really benefited from the organization and structure of Lisa’s nutrition plan and fitness exercises. Lisa was so helpful at supporting everyone in the group and helping us stay on track. She personally helped me to figure out how to fit in my cardio and weight exercises into my busy day (i.e., juggling a full time work schedule and pole dance classes). I was able to incrementally build up my strength and achieve my chopper invert, which has been a long-term pole dream move! I’ve learned so much from Lisa and look forward to continuing my fitness and nutrition journey!
Many thanks, Allison

Thank you Elisabeth!
I am not yet completed the 8 week transformation challenge and I am already thrilled with my results. It was been the reboot my body, my routines, and life required! I am down 10+ lbs, have clothing fitting again, apparently have baby abs( I KNEW they were on there!) Lol. But seriously, what is of the greatest value to myself is the energy i am regaining. The improved sleep. The improved choices when it comes to nutrition. And the test of habits . Like the famous Aristotle quote” We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Do cheers ( protein shake) to new beginnings.

Thank you Elisabeth I am not yet completed the 8 week transformation challenge and I am already thrilled with my results. It was been the reboot my body, my routines, and life required! I am down 10+ lbs, have clothing fitting again, apparently have baby abs( I KNEW they were in there!) Lol. But seriously, what is of the greatest value to myself is the energy I am regaining. The improved sleep. The improved choices when it comes to nutrition. And the reset of habits . Like the famous Aristotle quote” We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” So cheers ( protein shake) to new beginnings.
- Elizabeth

So this is not about me losing weight. This is about me being in a bad place on the left. This was 4 months into the pandemic with me not taking care of ME. I was not eating well, I was teaching classes but not working out for ME. I was abusing my body with food that was bad for me, drinking wine, being in a bad place emotionally and mentally.I had to make a change. I needed to start to RESPECT the only body I have and get myself back into a proper place. Its not like I didn’t know what to do, I just fell into a rabbit hole of depression and I had to make a choice to either pull myself up out of it or stay there and fall apart more.I chose to get it together and got my eating and workouts RIGHT. I stayed focused on ME because I AM WORTH IT. So are you.This is not about starving – tbh, the amount of food I eat (or that I am supposed to eat) I have a hard time even finishing! Its about eating the RIGHT foods in the RIGHT amounts. Its about fueling your body not punishing it with terrible things that leave you hungry two minutes later. Its about treating your body with respect and learning how to workout right so that you are STRONG, and able to do all of the fun things you love to do. So that when you grow old, your body is still working for you not against you.That’s my story. I feel great today. I feel strong, confident and healthy. I am taking care of me now. Its not about weight loss. Its about self care.