
Tight Butt and Sexy Ab Workout

Hello friends!  Here is a video that you can do with me!  It is a workout using just your own body weight to get your abs tight and butt lifted.  If you are more advanced, feel free to do the workout up to three times through.  Let me know how you feel after 🙂


Sexy Shoulders and Arms with Just a Band!

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Hi Everyone!  Here is a video with some great ideas to tone you arms and shoulders just using  band.  You dont need alot of fancy equipment to target these areas to make them sexy and fit.  A band is a great choice because you work the negative as well.



Basic exercises to do at home

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Many of you have asked for some basic exercises to do at home outside of training at a gym or a studio.  I have compiled a few which I think are quite effective and require very minimal equipment.